Active funding OPPORTUNITIES
HUD & ESG Funding
The Potential HUD CoC Competition and State Emergency Solutions Grant are funding opportunities directly through HUD or the State. The Lake County Continuum of Care announces the opening of the applications, holds a grant selection including a review of the application and interview of the entity, and then makes a recommendation to HUD or the State.
HUD Potential CoC Competition NOFO Application Information
"The Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition occurs annually. Each Fiscal Year (FY) Competition process begins with Registration of CoCs by CoC designated Collaborative Applicants, followed by the CoC’s review of Grant Inventory Worksheets (GIW) and the release of the CoC Program NOFO. Documents related to each process are listed below and additional Competition related materials are posted once the process opens and as documents become available. The FY Competition ends when the final funding announcement is released by HUD."
- HUD Exchange
CoC Program Competition | / U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
See this year's CoC Competition information HERE!
Emergency Solutions Grant NOFA Information
"The ESG program provides grant funding to (1) engage homeless individuals and families living on the street, (2) rapidly re-house homeless individuals and families, (3) help operate and provide essential services in emergency shelters for homeless individuals and families, and (4) prevent individuals and families from becoming homeless."
- California Department of Housing and Human Development
See this year's ESG Information HERE!